Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Official Root Beer

The heir presumptive to the vast El Jefe empire, someday inheriting the loyalty of his legions of Wiseguy goombas, his vast estates and his bottle-cap collection --the heir known in fact to all as The Heir -- was feeling cranky on the way home from school this evening. Consequently, El Jefe made a stop at the local market, and purchased, inter alia, two bottles of Saint Arnold's Root Beer. Saint Arnold's is a brewery located here in the world capital, Houston, (a/k/a Ciudad El Jefe Maximo).
Now I'm not a root beer connoisseur, but Saint Arnolds has itself a fine root beer, perhaps the finest El Jefe has ever consumed. In fact, so impressed am I with this root beer, by Royal Decree, I'm designating it "The Official Root Beer of El Jefe Maximo." No doubt that will make the good folks at Saint Arnold's pleased as punch.
Be it noted that El Jefe Maximo is not a compensated endorser of said product -- although, as I've said elsewhere, (being a man of principle, especially the principles of convenience, comfort, yummy stuff and bucks for El Jefe): This Blog's for Hire.